N@TM: Overall Event | The General Experience

Night at the Museum in general was a very fun experience. I was able to, before our presentation, walk around and take a couple pictures of interesting artwork I saw, especially in drawing and painting. I really like the idea of having a night that all the arts can come together and showcase what they are working on. Not only does it attract people to those arts, but it also allows the creator to get advice on what they created, so they improve. The people that attend can also view the baeutiful artworks that people spent their time making. Overall, it is a win-win situation for those who are passionate about their art, and those who enjoy looking at it.

N@TM: CSP Specifically | What went well?

It is my belief that our presentation went well. We had a couple parents come over to look at our website. We began with showing them our landing page, which they all really liked. We then moved onto signing up, but didn’t dwell on that too long, as it is more of a techy feature, and we didn’t really think people would be too interested in seeing that, especially since login systems are used everywhere. We then moved on to showing them our main feature, which was our recipe searcher function. We demoed that, and they thought it both looked good and function well. Overall, they liked our presentation.

N@TM: CSP Specifically | Feedback.

The main piece of feedback we recieved was to add more features in order to make our site more unique. One point they touched on was that someone, instead of using our website to search, could just google recipes. We took in this feedback, and have already planned to add more features like a more fleshed out forum including posting your own recipes, and more user customizability. We will take this feedback, and likely add these features over ski week. This getting of feedback is an integral part of the N@TM experience, as it allows you to get outside opinions, and improve based on them.

N@TM: CSP Specifically | Other Projects

One project I saw was Rayyan Darugar’s project.

They created a game, where you can first select your class (seen in the first iamge) such as rogue or mage, then you play the game that they designed with that character. I didn’t get to personally play their game, but I did watch a couple people play as they were doing their presentations, and while I do think the input could have been a little prettier, as well as the game GUI improved, I think it was really well done, and has a lot of potential to be a great CPT project.

N@TM: Other Events | Drawing and Painting

While I was walking around drawing and painting, I actually saw a sketch of Mr. Mortenson!
I thought this piece was super well done. I couldn’t believe the amount of detail that was put into drawing Mr. Mortenson’s face. The sketch was super well textured, and it was just really realistic looking. I like how it showed the progression from a basic sketch to a full blown drawing, as showing how everything starts somewhere is important, and helps the viewer to see the workflow of the piece.

N@TM: Overall Event | Takeaways

At the end of the event, I was honestly tired, but I had a lot of fun. I really like Del Norte’s idea of Night at the Museum, as it allows people to explore arts that they maybe have not seen a lot of yet. For example, someone who spent their entire life doing something like sculpting and ceramics could see something in CSP that they are completely unfamiliar with, and could explore a new field or interest.