• Monday: Get into Linux Shell, read blog page and understand commands
  • Tuesday: Experiment with commands in terminal/vsc terminal, get comfortable amd create a bash script in ipynb
  • Wednesday: Intro to JavaScript, understand different built in functions, and how to make and call functions
  • Thursday: Learn how to connect CSS/HTML and JavaScript
  • Friday: Insert Snake/Calculator into website, and analyze code for better understanding

Overall Goals:

  • Understand how to use JavaScript at a basic level
  • Get comfortable with linux shell/bash for future use
  • *Deploy site to github.io!

This week, I was able to understand a basic level of Linux Shell and JavaScript, as well as put a couple JS programs onto my website. I didn’t get around to reading the code, and asking ChatGPT what it meant, so that will be completed week 3.

Struggles I had:

  • It was difficult for me to deploy my site to github.io, as I had a couple issues with my link, and I had issues in the past with my github commits, so my github wasn't 100% working
  • I wasn't sure how exactly to use Linux Shell, so I had to go to the docs to learn a bit even after reading about it on the nighthawk coders blog