exampleString = "this is a string"
print(f"{exampleString} and the name is exampleString")
this is a string  and the name is exampleString
welcomeMsg = "Hello World!"
myAge = 16
isAdult = False
print(f"{welcomeMsg} I am {str(myAge)} years old. Am I an adult? {str(isAdult)}")
Hello World! I am 16 years old. Am I an adult? False
myAge = 16
realAge = myAge
myClasses = ['USH', 'AP CALC', 'AMLIT', 'CSP', 'AP PHYSICS']
print("My second class is " + myClasses[1])
My second class is AP CALC
evenList = [2,4,6,8,10]
evenNum = []
evenNum = evenList
# Variable 1

numStudents = 26

#Variable 2

car = "Tesla"

groupMates = ["Nikki", "Monika", "Ankit", "Varun"]

#Variable 4

dogsbeatcats = True

print(f"Variable 1 = {numStudents} and is an integer")
print(f"Variable 2 = {car} and is a string")
print(f"Variable 3 = {groupMates} and is a list")
print(f"Variable 4 = {dogsbeatcats} and is a boolean")
Variable 1 = 26 and is an integer
Variable 2 = Tesla and is a string
Variable 3 = ['Nikki', 'Monika', 'Ankit', 'Varun'] and is a list
Variable 4 = True and is a boolean
import json
numPets = 1
siblings = ['Anna', 'Grace', 'Michelle']
isAdult = False
name = 'Matthew'
listString = json.dumps(siblings)
x = input('How many siblings do you have?')
if int(x) == len(siblings):
    x = input('Are you an adult?')
    if str(x).lower() == "false":
        print(f"You passed! Your name is {name}, you have {len(siblings)} siblings named {listString}, and your adult status is {isAdult}.")
You passed! Your name is Matthew, you have 3 siblings named ["Anna", "Grace", "Michelle"], and your adult status is False.