The second part of this week was where things really started to pick up. I finished most of the main part of my game in this week!
fixed doubler going over 100
    My goals at this point were to:
  • Complete the game
  • Start working more with API, implement data saving

At this point, the idea of adding more and more generators seemed kind of pointless to me, as most of them would just be copy-pastes of the same button and innerHTML changing.
I had abandoned the previous idea of wanting to add a lot more generators, as well as abandoning the idea of my spaceship escape. I realized that I wouldn't have enough time
to finish up my API work if I push the priority of the spaceship back, so I didn't work on it at all really.
So what did I end up finishing?

By the end of the week, I was quite stumped. I did implement basic data saving, but CORS errors were beginning to slowly creep into my console...
(In this commit I added the data saving and in this one I added saving with usernames)