What I want to accomplish in week 3:
- Tuesday: Experiment with JavaScript input
- Wednesday: Experiment with JavaScript output
- Thursday: Code a primitive input/output program in JavaScript through buttons
- Friday: Finish primitive input/output program, and create another using text input
- Weekend: Create a weekend summary of accomplishments/struggles, experiment more with snake/inputs/calculator
Overall Goals:
- Understand how to use JavaScript input/output in tandem with HTML
- Understand how JavaScript commands/functions work
This week, I was able to create a HTML program to update a counter whenever a button was clicked, and make an alert pop up with a click speed shown to the user. I was also able to understand how HTML and JavaScript can interact. I was not able to create my program that I wanted to use text input for, though.
Struggles I had:
- It was very hard to me to grasp how the JavaScript and HTML connected together
- It took me at least an hour for some reason to figure out how getElementById worked, and how to update content with it
- It took me even longer to figure out how to make the HTML buttons call JavaScript functions, and have the JS functions change the content of the HTML buttons