This week, we got started on our team project. In the week prior, we decided to make a game hub, and the first thing I immediately thought to make when it came to a browser game was a Cookie Clicker-esque game.

Though, I didn’t want to just make a boring old copy and paste of a famous game.

    My goals starting out were to:
  • Create the basis of cookie clicker with all the upgrades and generators and such
  • Add a second element/better way to gain these upgrades
  • Add an endgame to the game, as there is no way to really beat cookie clicker

At this point, my ideas weren’t really clear, so I just went ahead with trying to develop a basic cookie clicker game.
We also originally wanted to write this on the backend, assuming that we would somehow get it to the frontend.

So what did I end up finishing?

By the end of the week, I had a basic cookie clicker game with an image of a minecraft cookie in the middle of it, and one basic upgrade.
I was still trying to get the hang of things, so I didn’t have a lot done on my game. I ended up beginning my game in HTML and JavaScript, using HTML
to insert little buttons and images for the user to interact with and click on, and using JavaScript to create functions that would actually give the buttons a purpose.